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Our Lady of The Lake's Homilies

Jan 28, 2014

Fr. Charles Wood. For more information on Fr. Charles' "Daily Soundtrack Theme Song," Curtis Stephan's "Ready the Way," please use this Oregon Catholic Press (OCP) link: "Ready the Way." The song is also available on iTunes and Music. Audio clip made available online with permission of...

Jan 26, 2014

Fr. Rick LaBreque, spokesperson for Unbound, a humanitarian organization bringing people together to challenge poverty in new and innovative ways (formerly Christian Foundation for Children & Aging). For more information, please...

Jan 14, 2014

Fr. John Kerns

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Jan 6, 2014

Fr. Charles Wood

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

(Note: This version has enough additional, and different, material compared to the Jan.1 version, that it would be worth hearing even if you've heard that first one.)

Jan 2, 2014

Fr. Charles Wood

9am Mass, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God