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Our Lady of The Lake's Homilies

May 29, 2023

Sun., May 28, 2023: "Pentecost-The Holy Spirit Difference" - Deacon Kevin Welch

May 22, 2023

Sun., May 21, 2023: “Ascension: Where Did Jesus Go?” - Rev. John Kerns, Pastor

May 15, 2023

Sun., May 14, 2023: "What Is the Reason for Your Hope?" - Rev. Charles Zach, Parochial Vicar

May 8, 2023

Sun.,, May 7, 2023: “Passing on the Faith: a Dad’s Letter to His Children” - Rev. John Kerns, Pastor

May 1, 2023

Sun., April 30, 2023: "Good Shepherd and Appointed Shepherds" - Rev. Charles Zach, Parochial Vicar